What role do government play in HRM?

Government have, of course,  major role to play in HRM.

a) They decide which aspects of good HRM practice should become mandatory and therefore, a legal requirement upon employers and employees; in doing so they control the boundary between ethics and law; between voluntarism and compulsion.

b) They control macro economics policy and so influence pay rates.

c) They provide support to employers and employees in the form of finance, training and the hearing of employment disputes via the civil court system.

d) They are supposed to set the standard for employment practice by being model employers. 

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  1. the above answer were taken from the abe HRM study manual :P

  2. hahahahahha.. yes coz i am a abe student :P n had completed my level 6 all in first attempt wid good grades O:) :P 3:) ;)



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