The same can be said of human resource management. People are unique, complex and no single definition fully captures the developing nature of Human Resource Management. But definitions are necessary.
"HRM is all about Managing the Resources of People(Human) working in an organization or a company or a firm".
Human Resource Management Consist on two major terms:
1) Human Resource. 2) Management.
- Human Resource Concept :-
HR simply means people at work. An organization can not exist without human resource.Human Resource are considered by most to be the organization's most valuable (and expensive) asset, so you need to deploy them with the maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Organization can become successful by employing the right number of the right sorts of people in the right place at the right time and for the right cost.
Organization consist of four important M's i.e. Men, Money, Materials and Machinery which are most significant resources of any organization. Among all resources manpower is the only resource which does not depreciate with time and is called human resource.
Human Resource represents people working in the organization, it refers to knowledge, skills, creative abilities, and talent of the employees. - Management Concept :-As we already know that "Management is the art of getting things done by the people". and " Management involves the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the organization's resources in order to achieve the organization's goals".
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the effective management of people at work. So when an organization is concerned about people, its total philosophy, culture, and orientation reflect it.
The Goal/Concept of HRM : is to make workers more satisfied and productive.
Every manager must be concerned with people, whether or not there is a human resources department.
Thank you for sharing your valuable post. Actually, I want to become a HR manager on the near future and this post gave me a lot of ideas on how to become a better HR manager.
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