The answer !!!! What can you expect ????
"Of course people are important !!!"
For as long as owners and managers have been claiming that their people are their greatest assets, Hr professionals and academics have been looking for the evidence that connects the way people are treated to the success of their organization.(Business success depends upon good people management and development, key decision makers are much more likely to pay attention to HR issues.) The most important thing in any business is the people . For that reason, Human Resources is the most important department. Human resources takes care of hiring and firing people and maintaining benefits like health insurance that take care of a company's all important asset. "The purpose of business is to make people satisfied." Without strong, satisfied and motivated people in your workplace, your business will not grow to its potential.
The good news is that evidence is now available and widely accepted. The bad news is that there is no single right way to manage and develop people that will guarantee your organization's success. There are many other variables to be taken into account.
Here is one example of hospital nursing staff, describing the change after a new ward manager worked with her HR colleagues on a range of new policies, such as flexible shift working and 360 degree appraisal. Comment included:
"I'm much more motivated now, there's training; the atmosphere's totally different."
"Communication is excellent now...our manager is very approachable."
"When I came here it was unsettled. Now we have a strong want to do the job to the best of your ability."
The high level of staff turnover in the ward had since fallen to almost zero.
Organizations can make progress very quickly. They need to survey employee attitudes and commitment; assess, train, coach and support their first line managers and integrate HR policies with goals and values. Once these processes are underway there is a very high likelihood of transformation.
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